The Best Ways to use busybusy’s Photo Documentation

One of busybusy’s lesser known features is Photo Documentation. Photo Documentation allows your workers to take pictures and attach them to projects that correspond to your business. In this week’s blog post, we’re going to talk about the most popular ways to use Photo Documentation progress photo to make your company more productive.

1. Track your Job Progress

Job progress is something most people are interested in. The manager on the project wants to know how the job is coming along and the commissioner of the project is always excited to see progress made on their project. It’s also encouraging your workers to be able to document and see the progress they have made on the job. Some of busybusy’s users like to take a picture of the job site every day and then go back and look at the all the photos from start to finish once the job is complete. Tracking progress with pictures is about more than just feeling accomplished; you can protect yourself from some serious liabilities. A photo may prove that the job was done right and that your company is not liable. For example, say you install a sink for a customer and six months down the road something goes wrong, and their basement get’s flooded. The customer then tries to sue you claiming the sink was installed incorrectly and was the cause of the flooding. Having proper photo documentation could prove that you did the job correctly, and the accident was not because of your workers or company’s negligence.

2. Track Change Orders

Change orders always seem to be a significant issue to handle. Everyone has to agree to the changes being made. Project photos is an excellent way to take pictures of exactly what you want to modify and send the files to the appropriate people. With photo documentation, you can take a picture of exactly what needs to be changed and attach it to the correct project. All of the parties involved in the change order can then quickly find the photos in the busybusy app.

3. Accidents

Eventually, accidents are going to happen on the job. It’s always a good idea to be prepared and have systems and processes when something unplanned happens. busybusy’s photo documentation feature lets you quickly take pictures of exactly what happened. These images will be useful down the road in case you get into any legal issues over an accident.

4. Upload Files

busybusy’s photo documentation can also be used for file storage. You can upload other documents besides pictures such as building plans. What’s great about the busybusy system is projects organize everything, this make files easy to find when you’re on the job and need to check something on the plans.

How to access busybusy’s photo document feature?

Click here to view our support page with step-by-step directions on how to use photo documentation.