“No call no show” is a term commonly used in the working world. It’s when an employee fails to show up for their scheduled shift without prior notice or explanation.
This can cause many problems for the employer, especially if the employee is an integral part of the team. Employers must ensure their employees understand the importance of showing up for work through an attendance policy that includes a clause for no call no show. In this blog, we’ll cover the essentials employers need to know for this occurrence.
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How does a No Call No Show employee impact work?
Lack of Available Replacements
- In some scenarios, you need numbers to finish the job, and being down a man can force co-workers to pick up the slack.
- Finding coverage on short notice can be difficult for management.
Loss of Productive Hours
- If no replacement is found, other team members have to fill in, leading to increased responsibilities and an unhappy crew.
- Co-workers might not have adequate training to step into an unfamiliar role. Time will have to be spent teaching on-the-go.
- An absent employee also falls behind. They miss important updates, and it takes time to get them up to speed.
Decrease in Morale
- An absent employee increases the workload for others, resulting in stress and burnout.
- Employees may perceive your company negatively if management is lenient toward the absent worker. Creating an environment of favoritism and unfairness will decrease trust between employees and management.
- A lack of accountability and enforcement of attendance can make your company appear unorganized and uncaring.
Did You Know: Having an established set of rules to follow and communicating effectively can prevent a No Call No Show from happening?
What should you do with a No Call No Show Employee?
1. Contact the employee: The first step when an employee is a no call no show is to try to contact them. Leave a message for the absent employee stating that attendance is required.
2. Document the incident: It is important to record what happened. This documentation can be useful if you need to take disciplinary action in the future. Make sure to record the date and time of the incident, the attempts made to contact the employee, and any response you received.
3. Important: Determine if there is a legitimate reason for the absence: Be understanding of employee absences due to emergencies or personal circumstances. Handle on a case-by-case basis.
4. Follow company policies and procedures: Follow your company’s policies for dealing with no call no show employees, which may include warning, suspension, or termination.
5. Focus on prevention: To prevent no call no show incidents, create a positive work environment by encouraging communication, setting clear attendance expectations, and providing support and resources for employees to manage stress and personal issues.
What are common No Call No Show Excuses?
Giving employees the benefit of the doubt can earn your company some major brownie points. However, let’s be honest—employees can be dishonest about their absence. A poll of 2,000 people shared their excuses to get out of work which are still common today.
Common Excuses:
- 68% Of the time an employee will use illness.
- 57% Will use having a doctor/dentist appointment.
- 25% Say they have a sick family member.
- 23% Want to avoid the weather conditions.
- 13% Have children they need to pick up.
Even if your employee is dishonest about their reason to skip work, a call is still better than no call at all. Having trust and good communication will prevent this event and promote taking proper leave when needed.
How to Communicate and Maintain a Good Relationship with Employees
Being able to express how you want employees to ask for time off can be challenging! Create a set of rules that are clear to interpret. Go over them at a meeting, allowing for questions to be asked. Think prevention before intervention. Addressing problems before they arise can save time, money, and frustration.
Often times companies have a policy in place that will state the amount of advance notice necessary for time off requests. This will vary across companies and industries.
A General Consensus:
- 1 Day Off = 1 week notice
- 2-5 Days Off = 2 weeks notice
- More than 5 Days = 1-2 months notice
Consider sick days. If an employee wakes up not feeling well one day, they can’t give you a week’s notice. Unforeseen circumstances will undoubtedly take place. Encourage employees to let you know as soon as possible and not ten minutes after a shift has started. It is important to have well-established, clearly communicated steps for employees to take.
4 easy tips to give to employees if something comes up
- Always let your employer know of your circumstance as soon as possible.
- Do your best to explain why. You are not required to explain to your employer why you need time off, but more honest communication upfront will prevent issues in the future.
- Document your absence by producing evidence, such as a doctor’s note confirming the date you are out for an appointment or sickness.
- Use appropriate language. Example: “I’m sorry if this is an inconvenience for the company but I would greatly appreciate (insert date) off. Is there anything I can do so I won’t fall behind?”
Importance of Implementing a No Call No Show Policy
A no call no show policy will decrease the chances of occurrence. A company should have a policy for no call, no show employees because it shows that the company takes this issue seriously. It also helps to protect the company from potential legal issues.
Having a policy in place helps to ensure that employees understand the consequences of their actions, and it also provides a way for management to deal with this issue quickly and efficiently before it begins to affect job site relationships.
In Conclusion
Although it can be tricky to address a no call, no show situation, it is important to take the necessary steps in order to protect your business. Implementing a policy for these situations will eliminate confusion for both employees and supervisors. Being courteous and communicative when such an incident occurs will also help maintain a positive work environment and healthy professional relationships.