How To Convince Employees to Use New Technology

Incorporating new technology in your business can enhance performance, help you make better business decisions and increase productivity. We understand that it sometimes it can be difficult to get everyone to accept the new technology.

Choose technology wisely

Hopefully, you have done extensive research on the new technology you are bringing in. Make sure that this new technology is not more complicated then it needs to be. Select companies that have systems that are approachable, intuitive and offer an easy integration.

If you pick a technology that requires multiple training days and hefty manuals, there will be a low adoption rate. You want something that is not only simple to learn but simple to use. Great technology doesn’t have to be overly complicated.

Begin with a trial period and include key staff members to join in. Take their feedback and then choose what will work best not only for your company but your employees too.

Bring on Early Adopters and Influencers

Bring early adopters into the new technology first. Early adopters are the employees that always have to be first when it comes to new technology. They will have the latest smartphone, the best tvs and the greatest technology. These are the people who have been waiting and asking for new technology brought in.

It is important to bring in early adopters first because the majority of people don’t want to be first. They want to wait and see how it goes before they join in. Early adopters will jump in head first and explore the new technology, and most important they will convince the majority to jump in as well.

Although, it can not be just the early adopters. It must be the influencers as well. Employees need to see that people who are in management and supervising roles are using the technology.

Begin by Explain “Why” not “What.”

When you are introducing the technology to your company, don’t start with what it is and what it does. Start with the “Why”.

“Why do they need the new technology?”

“Why does it benefit them to adopt the technology?”

“Why does the company need it?”

Most of your employees will begin accepting the new technology when they understand why. You will want to answer all the questions and put their concerns at ease. Let them know how this system will help the business and how that will in turn benefit them. When the why is not clearly defined, and the questions are not answered it leaves employees to draw their own conclusions.

Once your finished explaining the “Why” then go into the “What”. Continue to remind them the “Why” as time goes by.

Leave Room for Questions

The quickest way for someone to stop using new technology is when they experience frustration. Let your employees know that you are there for them and will answer any questions that arise.

Make sure your Supervisors, Managers, Department Heads, etc are highly educated on the system as well. If employees know that they can go to their supervisor with questions, it will help them continue learning.

People shouldn’t feel bad if they don’t understand the product. Give them a judgement free zone where they feel like they can ask as many questions as they want.

Highlight the Wins

Once you are using the new technology, begin highlighting company and individual wins. Publicizing wins help build a case for the “Why”.  Let them know if it saved the company money, or maybe it pointed out that you weren’t billing the right amount.

Remember that people are mostly concerned with “How it affects me?” and “How does it benefit me?”. This should be about how your team is positively affected and helped by the new technology.

Reward System

If you are still struggling with integrating employees on to the new system, then you can implement a reward system. Reward systems can give you a faster adoption rate.

You can try rewards like; first, 20 people to begin setting up their account, or anyone who watches all the how to/orientation videos of the new technology wins x, y or z. Determine what is going to work with your company and the new technology you are incorporating.

The majority of tech companies will accommodate requests for semi-annual or annual training. These courses can be seen as refresher courses or for onboarding new employees. Schedule a time for them to visit or Skype with your employees. Either way, your employees will be excited again!

You can also determine if you would like more frequent training/refresher courses. Many companies will find the one employee who understands the product inside and out and ask them to train others. That employee can hold monthly meetings where anyone can ask questions, share concerns and receive additional training.