OSHA Reporting Requirements and Regulations
As of 2024, all companies, regardless of size, must report a fatality, in-patient hospitalization, amputation, or loss of an eye to OSHA. Quickly determine how and what you are required to report when jobsite accidents occur.

Select Company Size
(as determined by peak employment during a calendar year & includes full, part, and seasonal employees)
Should strongly consider using OSHA Form 301 to record Injury & Illness, but not required.
Must report fatality, in-patient hospitalization, Amputation, or loss of eye within the required time frame.
(as determined by peak employment during a calendar year & includes full, part, and seasonal employees)
Must report fatality, in-patient hospitalization, Amputation, or loss of eye within the required time frame.
Required to Fill out OSHA records (Forms 300, 301 & 300A)
OSHA Form 301 (Injury & Illness Incident Form) is required to be completed within 7 calendar days of incident.
Keep OSHA records on file for 5 years
Must be able to provide OSHA records within 4-8 business hours (depending on who’s asking 😉 )
Required to post completed OSHA Form 300A for the previous year before April 30th in a visible location on company site.
(as determined by peak employment during a calendar year & includes full, part, and seasonal employees)
Must report fatality, in-patient hospitalization, Amputation, or loss of eye within the required time frame.
Required to Fill out OSHA records (Forms 300, 301 & 300A)
OSHA Form 301 (Injury & Illness Incident Form) is required to be completed within 7 calendar days of incident.
Keep OSHA records on file for 5 years
Must be able to provide OSHA records within 4-8 business hours (depending on who’s asking 😉 )
Required to Electronically submit OSHA Form 300A for the previous year to OSHA using their ITA (Injury Tracking Application) System before March 2nd 2024. This form must be submitted even if there were no recordable injuries or illnesses.
(as determined by peak employment during a calendar year & includes full, part, and seasonal employees)
Must report fatality, in-patient hospitalization, Amputation, or loss of eye within the required time frame.
Required to Fill out OSHA records (Forms 300, 301 & 300A)
OSHA Form 301 (Injury & Illness Incident Form) is required to be completed within 7 calendar days of incident.
Keep OSHA records on file for 5 years
Must be able to provide OSHA records within 4-8 business hours (depending on who’s asking 😉 )
Required to electronically submit OSHA Form 300, 300A, and all OSHA 301 forms for the previous year to OSHA using their ITA (Injury Tracking Application) System before March 2nd 2024. Form 300A must be submitted even if there were no recordable injuries or illnesses.
Any work-related fatality.
Any work-related injury or illness that results in loss of consciousness, days away from work, restricted work, or transfer to another job.
Any work-related injury or illness requiring medical treatment beyond first aid.
Any work-related diagnosed case of cancer, chronic irreversible diseases, fractured or cracked bones or teeth, and punctured eardrums.
There are also special recording criteria for work-related cases involving: needlesticks and sharps injuries; medical removal; hearing loss; and tuberculosis.
How much can companies be fined if they are found in violation of OSHA?
OSHA Penalties OSHA adjusted its civil penalties, effective January 15, 2023, OSHA has the authority to adjust civil penalty amounts on an annual basis based upon the Consumer Price Index. The current penalty for a serious, other than serious, or postingrelated requirement is currently $15,625 per violation, the penalty for failure to abate is $15,625 per day beyond the abatement date and the penalty amount for a willful or repeat violation is $156,259 per violation. State Plans are required to adopt maximum penalty levels that are at least as effective as Federal OSHA’s.
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Learn more about how OSHA Impacts Your Business
Travis, Scott and Murphy, Inc.
“Safety-Reports saved us potentially thousands of dollars in OSHA penalties, due to the detailed information and the increase in inspections supporting our defense.” ”
Nick, R.L. Craft Roofing Co.
“With the ever-increasing emphasis on safety in the roofing industry, this product is a must-have! It has helped us develop our safety culture with easy to use and practical reporting.”
Anwanur, Allen Construction
“busybusy has helped us ensure the safety of our crews by knowing what site they are on at all times and allowed us to better see what people are spending their time on so we can better anticipate needs for future projects.”