Reap the Benefits of the busybusy Mobile Time Clock App for Field Crews
Your time is best spent with your crew, but managers often find themselves increasingly tied to a desk. That’s why you need a work time clock solution that’s as mobile as you are when it comes to tracking employees’ hours. The busybusy mobile time clock gives field team managers and employees an at-their-fingertips solution for tracking productivity and boosting job site efficiency.
busybusy designed its mobile time clock tool to add new levels of efficiency to mobile field work. That’s why this cloud-based time tracking software can be accessed from any Android or iOS smartphone or tablet, or direct from your web browser. After all, flexibility is key—just not regarding the hours your employees report.
How Much Are These 5 Factors Costing Your Business?
Field work presents a wide gamut of challenges that traditional timekeeping systems simply aren’t prepared for. For example, when crews go mobile, managers solve problems that take their attention from the job at hand. And if you’re more focused on paperwork than the project, how can you expect to deliver the solution that best meets your client’s needs?
If lost time and high costs are bogging you down, a mobile timesheet app might be the solution you need. To determine if this is right for you and your crew, stop and ask yourself the following five questions:
1. Are your employees making unnecessary mistakes?
Paper timesheets make it too simple to add a few extra minutes to the day. That five minutes may not seem like much to your employees, but the person running the books knows that little chunks of time add up to big money. And what about those workers who habitually forget to punch out for breaks? When do you ask them what time they clocked in from their break last Tuesday? How accurate of an answer are you expecting? This mobile time clock for construction companies can help employees keep track of their time on the job more precisely…
2. Your work is on-site, so why are you tied to a desk?
Ever stop and wonder how much time that’s spent moving employee data between the job site and the office? Then once that information is in the office, what kind of time it takes to verify and organize data? These manual processes, and their disconnect from the field, do more than waste your time with unnecessary travel—they leave the door open for forgotten paperwork, human error, and missed opportunities to provide impactful management on the job site. Investing in the right software means construction features, including daily reports, time cards, e-signatures, documented progress, and more that can all be kept in the same place.
3. With today’s technology, why does payroll still take all day?
After investing the money in updated accounting software, you might be wondering why the payroll process is still so long and, as a result, costly. Well, that accounting software and processes are only as good as the data being put in. Manual data entry and verification will continue to tie up your support people. Wouldn’t this time be better devoted to revenue-generating activities? By connecting your HR software, like ADP Workforce Now, with your time tracking software, you can simplify the payroll process and eliminate the chance of human error.
4. Your workers are in the field too—right?
You know they’re somewhere on that site, on a material run, or grabbing lunch… Their timesheet can tell you, potentially, whether they’re working or not—but it can’t help you track down the employee you’re working for. A mobile time clock app with GPS provides a view of employee clock-in and clock-out time stamps. You can see where employees are and what projects they are working on
5. How much does time spent on each project vary?
The answer to this question should form the basis for the next job’s cost calculations. Unfortunately, manually collecting error-riddled time data makes it challenging to handle project costs accurately. Using a mobile construction time clock app, you can more accurately track time spent on the job between your employees to improve job costing and make more accurate bids in the future.
Ditch Paper Time Cards Today
Pick the best way to keep track of employee hours and join thousands of construction experts who trust busybusy for accurate time tracking.
Why the busybusy Mobile Time Clock App Presents a Better Way of Tracking Time for Construction Crews
busybusy has created a construction time clock app that is transforming the way businesses in the construction industry track employee hours. Learn how having access to real-time, accurate data can help you improve your business.
A focus on reliable data.
When employees clock in, there’s no more wondering about data accuracy. Are you tired of employees clocking in before arriving on-site? With busybusy’s ‘Onsite Verification,’ employees can only clock in once they’re inside the geofence. Not being able to clock in outside the project area prevents time clock padding, saving companies massive dollar amounts each year. Supervisors for smaller mobile crews can clock the entire crew in or out at once. Those forgetful few can be reminded by a GPS-based alert that tells workers when to clock in or out. On top of that, better information also helps your employees advance at work. With concrete data, they can offer proof of productivity as evidence that it’s time for a pay raise.
A practical way to bring desk work into the field.
Time and location data gathered by the automated busybusy app is instantly visible (or not—permissions depend on you) to your crews. Analyze data, track a project’s status, and even run certain reports from your mobile device. Turn your Android or iOS device into a data solution when you run employee reports or rapidly send verified information off to payroll.
An automatic solution for improving payroll processes.
Inputting the data needed to run payroll once took all day, and could often result in entry errors. Now, verified data can be exported into QuickBooks or other accounting or payroll software to perform this task in under an hour. The result? Less time and money spent on office support, and more results that you can trust. With Busy Payroll, there is no need to export to external payroll software. Instantly run payroll, and pay employees using busybusy payroll with Gusto.

Easy visibility into where your workers are when you need them.
When using the full capabilities of a mobile time clock app, you gain more valuable data than a traditional time-tracking method ever could. Let your team see where every member is working, or watch yourself to ensure time is being used efficiently. When working without a Wi-Fi connection, the app saves location information and adds a location stamp to the employee’s time stamp information when the connection is again available. The GPS feature also connects additional data to the job—including worker notes, receipts, photos, and other information. Employees can turn this GPS-based solution into a tool for planning time-saving routes across sites and making the most timely deliveries.
Accurate data for creating job costing calculations.
Knowing where and when your mobile teams are working gives you an edge in calculating the time needed for the next job. With real-time data, you can better understand the amount of time a project takes and gain insight into your costs. View graphs and charts clearly showing estimated labor costs vs. current labor costs, or estimated hours vs. actual hours. busybusy also offers reports showing labor budgets and cost codes.
Of course, data is only valid when it’s presented in a way that works for you. That’s why busybusy users can access a bilingual or Spanish-only chat feature that will answer questions instantly as they arise.
Customers Who Love the busybusy Mobile Time Clock App
“It has been great for our company. Dependable and fast. Best time clock system I have ever used.”
“busybusy helps us with accountability. It is no longer, “I may have worked 8 hours”, when in reality it is “I worked a little over 7 hours”. busybusy is a huge part of helping us be competitive in our industry. With busybusy, you can get the feedback, reports, and be more efficient on the jobsite.”
Hedgehog Electric